- Cardiff
- Barry Island
Cardiff - Barry Island trwy Gibbonsdown - Dinas Powys - Llandough Dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener (heblaw am wyliau banc)
Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus Station
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, Gibbonsdown
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
Shops, Holton Road, Holton Road, Barry
at, Barry Civic Offices 1, Broad Street, Barry
o/s, Morrisons Barry Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
at, Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
nr Crossing , Barry ASDA, Ffordd Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
o/s , The Quays, Fford Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
opp, Maslin Park, Plymouth Road, Barry Island
o/s flats, Plymouth Road, Plymouth Road, Barry Island
o/s, Barry Island Community Centre, Friars Road, Barry Island
Service Number: Gweithredwr Nodiadau: | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - |
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus StationDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 05:55 | 06:25 | 07:00 | 07:30 | 08:00 | 08:40 | 09:10 | 09:40 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:45 | 14:10 | 14:45 | 15:15 | 15:55 | 16:25 | 17:10 | 17:40 | 18:10 | 19:10 | 20:10 | 21:10 | 22:10 |
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside | 05:57 | 06:27 | 07:02 | 07:32 | 08:03 | 08:43 | 09:13 | 09:42 | 10:12 | 10:42 | 11:12 | 11:42 | 12:12 | 12:42 | 13:12 | 13:47 | 14:13 | 14:48 | 15:18 | 15:58 | 16:28 | 17:13 | 17:43 | 18:13 | 19:12 | 20:12 | 21:12 | 22:12 |
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 05:58 | 06:28 | 07:03 | 07:34 | 08:05 | 08:45 | 09:15 | 09:44 | 10:14 | 10:44 | 11:14 | 11:44 | 12:14 | 12:44 | 13:14 | 13:49 | 14:14 | 14:50 | 15:20 | 16:00 | 16:30 | 17:15 | 17:45 | 18:15 | 19:14 | 20:14 | 21:14 | 22:14 |
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 05:59 | 06:29 | 07:04 | 07:35 | 08:07 | 08:46 | 09:16 | 09:45 | 10:15 | 10:45 | 11:15 | 11:45 | 12:15 | 12:45 | 13:15 | 13:50 | 14:15 | 14:52 | 15:22 | 16:02 | 16:32 | 17:17 | 17:47 | 18:16 | 19:15 | 20:15 | 21:15 | 22:15 |
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 06:00 | 06:30 | 07:05 | 07:36 | 08:08 | 08:47 | 09:17 | 09:46 | 10:16 | 10:46 | 11:16 | 11:46 | 12:16 | 12:46 | 13:16 | 13:51 | 14:16 | 14:53 | 15:23 | 16:03 | 16:33 | 17:18 | 17:48 | 18:17 | 19:16 | 20:16 | 21:16 | 22:16 |
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 06:01 | 06:31 | 07:06 | 07:37 | 08:10 | 08:49 | 09:19 | 09:47 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:52 | 14:18 | 14:55 | 15:25 | 16:05 | 16:35 | 17:20 | 17:50 | 18:18 | 19:17 | 20:17 | 21:17 | 22:17 |
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 06:02 | 06:32 | 07:07 | 07:38 | 08:12 | 08:51 | 09:21 | 09:48 | 10:18 | 10:48 | 11:18 | 11:48 | 12:18 | 12:48 | 13:18 | 13:53 | 14:19 | 14:57 | 15:27 | 16:07 | 16:37 | 17:22 | 17:52 | 18:20 | 19:18 | 20:18 | 21:18 | 22:18 |
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, LeckwithDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:04 | 06:34 | 07:09 | 07:41 | 08:15 | 08:54 | 09:24 | 09:51 | 10:21 | 10:51 | 11:21 | 11:51 | 12:21 | 12:51 | 13:21 | 13:56 | 14:22 | 15:00 | 15:30 | 16:10 | 16:40 | 17:25 | 17:55 | 18:23 | 19:21 | 20:21 | 21:21 | 22:21 |
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 06:06 | 06:36 | 07:11 | 07:43 | 08:17 | 08:56 | 09:26 | 09:54 | 10:24 | 10:54 | 11:24 | 11:54 | 12:24 | 12:54 | 13:24 | 13:59 | 14:25 | 15:03 | 15:33 | 16:13 | 16:43 | 17:28 | 17:57 | 18:25 | 19:24 | 20:24 | 21:24 | 22:24 |
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 06:07 | 06:38 | 07:13 | 07:45 | 08:19 | 08:58 | 09:28 | 09:55 | 10:25 | 10:55 | 11:25 | 11:55 | 12:25 | 12:55 | 13:25 | 14:00 | 14:26 | 15:04 | 15:34 | 16:14 | 16:44 | 17:29 | 17:59 | 18:27 | 19:25 | 20:25 | 21:25 | 22:25 |
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 06:09 | 06:40 | 07:15 | 07:47 | 08:21 | 09:00 | 09:30 | 09:57 | 10:27 | 10:57 | 11:27 | 11:57 | 12:27 | 12:57 | 13:27 | 14:02 | 14:29 | 15:07 | 15:37 | 16:17 | 16:47 | 17:32 | 18:01 | 18:29 | 19:27 | 20:27 | 21:27 | 22:27 |
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 06:10 | 06:41 | 07:16 | 07:48 | 08:22 | 09:01 | 09:31 | 09:58 | 10:28 | 10:58 | 11:28 | 11:58 | 12:28 | 12:58 | 13:28 | 14:03 | 14:30 | 15:08 | 15:38 | 16:18 | 16:48 | 17:33 | 18:02 | 18:30 | 19:28 | 20:28 | 21:28 | 22:28 |
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough | 06:11 | 06:42 | 07:17 | 07:49 | 08:23 | 09:02 | 09:32 | 09:59 | 10:29 | 10:59 | 11:29 | 11:59 | 12:29 | 12:59 | 13:29 | 14:04 | 14:31 | 15:09 | 15:39 | 16:19 | 16:49 | 17:34 | 18:03 | 18:31 | 19:29 | 20:29 | 21:29 | 22:29 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough | 06:12 | 06:43 | 07:18 | 07:50 | 08:24 | 09:03 | 09:33 | 10:01 | 10:31 | 11:01 | 11:31 | 12:01 | 12:31 | 13:01 | 13:31 | 14:06 | 14:33 | 15:11 | 15:41 | 16:21 | 16:51 | 17:36 | 18:04 | 18:32 | 19:31 | 20:31 | 21:31 | 22:31 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, LlandoughDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:13 | 06:44 | 07:19 | 07:51 | 08:25 | 09:04 | 09:34 | 10:02 | 10:32 | 11:02 | 11:32 | 12:02 | 12:32 | 13:02 | 13:32 | 14:07 | 14:34 | 15:12 | 15:42 | 16:22 | 16:52 | 17:37 | 18:05 | 18:33 | 19:32 | 20:32 | 21:32 | 22:32 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough | 06:13 | 06:44 | 07:19 | 07:51 | 08:25 | 09:04 | 09:34 | 10:02 | 10:32 | 11:02 | 11:32 | 12:02 | 12:32 | 13:02 | 13:32 | 14:07 | 14:34 | 15:12 | 15:42 | 16:22 | 16:52 | 17:37 | 18:05 | 18:33 | 19:32 | 20:32 | 21:32 | 22:32 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough | 06:16 | 06:47 | 07:21 | 07:54 | 08:28 | 09:07 | 09:37 | 10:05 | 10:35 | 11:05 | 11:35 | 12:05 | 12:35 | 13:05 | 13:35 | 14:10 | 14:37 | 15:16 | 15:46 | 16:26 | 16:56 | 17:40 | 18:08 | 18:36 | 19:35 | 20:35 | 21:35 | 22:35 |
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough | 06:17 | 06:48 | 07:22 | 07:56 | 08:29 | 09:08 | 09:38 | 10:06 | 10:36 | 11:06 | 11:36 | 12:06 | 12:36 | 13:06 | 13:36 | 14:11 | 14:38 | 15:17 | 15:47 | 16:27 | 16:57 | 17:42 | 18:09 | 18:37 | 19:36 | 20:36 | 21:36 | 22:36 |
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 06:18 | 06:49 | 07:24 | 07:58 | 08:31 | 09:09 | 09:39 | 10:07 | 10:37 | 11:07 | 11:37 | 12:07 | 12:37 | 13:07 | 13:37 | 14:12 | 14:39 | 15:20 | 15:50 | 16:30 | 17:00 | 17:44 | 18:11 | 18:38 | 19:37 | 20:37 | 21:37 | 22:37 |
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 06:19 | 06:50 | 07:24 | 07:59 | 08:32 | 09:10 | 09:40 | 10:08 | 10:38 | 11:08 | 11:38 | 12:08 | 12:38 | 13:08 | 13:38 | 14:13 | 14:40 | 15:21 | 15:51 | 16:31 | 17:01 | 17:45 | 18:12 | 18:39 | 19:38 | 20:38 | 21:38 | 22:38 |
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 06:20 | 06:51 | 07:25 | 08:00 | 08:33 | 09:11 | 09:41 | 10:09 | 10:39 | 11:09 | 11:39 | 12:09 | 12:39 | 13:09 | 13:39 | 14:14 | 14:41 | 15:22 | 15:52 | 16:32 | 17:02 | 17:46 | 18:13 | 18:40 | 19:39 | 20:39 | 21:39 | 22:39 |
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas PowysDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:21 | 06:52 | 07:26 | 08:01 | 08:34 | 09:12 | 09:42 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:15 | 14:42 | 15:23 | 15:53 | 16:33 | 17:03 | 17:47 | 18:14 | 18:41 | 19:40 | 20:40 | 21:40 | 22:40 |
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 06:21 | 06:52 | 07:26 | 08:01 | 08:34 | 09:12 | 09:42 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:15 | 14:42 | 15:24 | 15:54 | 16:34 | 17:04 | 17:48 | 18:14 | 18:41 | 19:40 | 20:40 | 21:40 | 22:40 |
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 06:22 | 06:53 | 07:27 | 08:02 | 08:35 | 09:13 | 09:43 | 10:11 | 10:41 | 11:11 | 11:41 | 12:11 | 12:41 | 13:11 | 13:41 | 14:16 | 14:43 | 15:25 | 15:55 | 16:35 | 17:05 | 17:49 | 18:15 | 18:42 | 19:41 | 20:41 | 21:41 | 22:41 |
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 06:23 | 06:54 | 07:28 | 08:03 | 08:36 | 09:14 | 09:44 | 10:12 | 10:42 | 11:12 | 11:42 | 12:12 | 12:42 | 13:12 | 13:42 | 14:17 | 14:44 | 15:26 | 15:56 | 16:36 | 17:06 | 17:50 | 18:16 | 18:44 | 19:42 | 20:42 | 21:42 | 22:42 |
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, PalmerstownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:26 | 06:57 | 07:32 | 08:07 | 08:40 | 09:18 | 09:48 | 10:16 | 10:46 | 11:16 | 11:46 | 12:16 | 12:46 | 13:16 | 13:46 | 14:21 | 14:48 | 15:32 | 16:02 | 16:42 | 17:12 | 17:55 | 18:20 | 18:48 | 19:45 | 20:45 | 21:45 | 22:45 |
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown | 06:27 | 06:57 | 07:33 | 08:08 | 08:41 | 09:18 | 09:48 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:22 | 14:49 | 15:33 | 16:03 | 16:43 | 17:13 | 17:56 | 18:20 | 18:48 | 19:45 | 20:45 | 21:45 | 22:45 |
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 06:27 | 06:58 | 07:33 | 08:08 | 08:41 | 09:19 | 09:49 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:22 | 14:49 | 15:34 | 16:04 | 16:44 | 17:14 | 17:57 | 18:21 | 18:49 | 19:46 | 20:46 | 21:46 | 22:46 |
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 06:28 | 06:58 | 07:34 | 08:09 | 08:42 | 09:19 | 09:49 | 10:18 | 10:48 | 11:18 | 11:48 | 12:18 | 12:48 | 13:18 | 13:48 | 14:23 | 14:50 | 15:35 | 16:05 | 16:45 | 17:15 | 17:57 | 18:21 | 18:49 | 19:46 | 20:46 | 21:46 | 22:46 |
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 06:29 | 06:59 | 07:35 | 08:10 | 08:43 | 09:20 | 09:50 | 10:19 | 10:49 | 11:19 | 11:49 | 12:19 | 12:49 | 13:19 | 13:49 | 14:24 | 14:51 | 15:36 | 16:06 | 16:46 | 17:16 | 17:58 | 18:22 | 18:50 | 19:47 | 20:47 | 21:47 | 22:47 |
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 06:29 | 07:00 | 07:36 | 08:11 | 08:44 | 09:21 | 09:51 | 10:19 | 10:49 | 11:19 | 11:49 | 12:19 | 12:49 | 13:19 | 13:49 | 14:24 | 14:52 | 15:37 | 16:07 | 16:47 | 17:17 | 17:59 | 18:23 | 18:51 | 19:48 | 20:48 | 21:48 | 22:48 |
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 06:30 | 07:00 | 07:36 | 08:11 | 08:44 | 09:21 | 09:51 | 10:20 | 10:50 | 11:20 | 11:50 | 12:20 | 12:50 | 13:20 | 13:50 | 14:25 | 14:52 | 15:38 | 16:08 | 16:48 | 17:18 | 18:00 | 18:23 | 18:51 | 19:48 | 20:48 | 21:48 | 22:48 |
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown | 06:30 | 07:01 | 07:37 | 08:12 | 08:45 | 09:22 | 09:52 | 10:20 | 10:50 | 11:20 | 11:50 | 12:20 | 12:50 | 13:20 | 13:50 | 14:25 | 14:53 | 15:38 | 16:08 | 16:48 | 17:18 | 18:01 | 18:24 | 18:52 | 19:49 | 20:49 | 21:49 | 22:49 |
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton | 06:31 | 07:01 | 07:38 | 08:13 | 08:46 | 09:22 | 09:52 | 10:21 | 10:51 | 11:21 | 11:51 | 12:21 | 12:51 | 13:21 | 13:51 | 14:26 | 14:54 | 15:39 | 16:09 | 16:49 | 17:19 | 18:01 | 18:24 | 18:52 | 19:49 | 20:49 | 21:49 | 22:49 |
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton | 06:32 | 07:02 | 07:39 | 08:14 | 08:47 | 09:23 | 09:53 | 10:22 | 10:52 | 11:22 | 11:52 | 12:22 | 12:52 | 13:22 | 13:52 | 14:27 | 14:55 | 15:41 | 16:11 | 16:51 | 17:21 | 18:02 | 18:25 | 18:53 | 19:50 | 20:50 | 21:50 | 22:50 |
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton | 06:33 | 07:03 | 07:40 | 08:15 | 08:48 | 09:24 | 09:54 | 10:23 | 10:53 | 11:23 | 11:53 | 12:23 | 12:53 | 13:23 | 13:53 | 14:28 | 14:56 | 15:42 | 16:12 | 16:52 | 17:22 | 18:03 | 18:26 | 18:54 | 19:51 | 20:51 | 21:51 | 22:51 |
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton | 06:33 | 07:04 | 07:41 | 08:16 | 08:49 | 09:25 | 09:55 | 10:23 | 10:53 | 11:23 | 11:53 | 12:23 | 12:53 | 13:23 | 13:53 | 14:28 | 14:57 | 15:43 | 16:13 | 16:53 | 17:23 | 18:04 | 18:27 | 18:55 | 19:52 | 20:52 | 21:52 | 22:52 |
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown | 06:34 | 07:04 | 07:41 | 08:16 | 08:49 | 09:25 | 09:55 | 10:24 | 10:54 | 11:24 | 11:54 | 12:24 | 12:54 | 13:24 | 13:54 | 14:29 | 14:57 | 15:44 | 16:14 | 16:54 | 17:24 | 18:05 | 18:27 | 18:55 | 19:52 | 20:52 | 21:52 | 22:52 |
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 06:35 | 07:05 | 07:42 | 08:17 | 08:50 | 09:26 | 09:56 | 10:25 | 10:55 | 11:25 | 11:55 | 12:25 | 12:55 | 13:25 | 13:55 | 14:30 | 14:58 | 15:45 | 16:15 | 16:55 | 17:25 | 18:06 | 18:28 | 18:56 | 19:53 | 20:53 | 21:53 | 22:53 |
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 06:35 | 07:06 | 07:43 | 08:18 | 08:51 | 09:27 | 09:57 | 10:25 | 10:55 | 11:25 | 11:55 | 12:25 | 12:55 | 13:25 | 13:55 | 14:30 | 14:59 | 15:46 | 16:16 | 16:56 | 17:26 | 18:07 | 18:29 | 18:57 | 19:54 | 20:54 | 21:54 | 22:54 |
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 06:36 | 07:06 | 07:44 | 08:19 | 08:52 | 09:27 | 09:57 | 10:26 | 10:56 | 11:26 | 11:56 | 12:26 | 12:56 | 13:26 | 13:56 | 14:31 | 15:00 | 15:47 | 16:17 | 16:57 | 17:27 | 18:08 | 18:29 | 18:57 | 19:54 | 20:54 | 21:54 | 22:54 |
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, GibbonsdownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:37 | 07:07 | 07:45 | 08:20 | 08:53 | 09:28 | 09:58 | 10:27 | 10:57 | 11:27 | 11:57 | 12:27 | 12:57 | 13:27 | 13:57 | 14:32 | 15:01 | 15:48 | 16:18 | 16:58 | 17:28 | 18:09 | 18:30 | 18:58 | 19:55 | 20:55 | 21:55 | 22:55 |
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown | 06:38 | 07:08 | 07:46 | 08:21 | 08:54 | 09:29 | 09:59 | 10:28 | 10:58 | 11:28 | 11:58 | 12:28 | 12:58 | 13:28 | 13:58 | 14:33 | 15:02 | 15:50 | 16:20 | 17:00 | 17:30 | 18:11 | 18:31 | 18:59 | 19:55 | 20:55 | 21:55 | 22:55 |
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry | 06:39 | 07:09 | 07:48 | 08:23 | 08:56 | 09:31 | 10:01 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 12:30 | 13:00 | 13:30 | 14:00 | 14:35 | 15:04 | 15:52 | 16:22 | 17:02 | 17:32 | 18:13 | 18:33 | 19:01 | 19:56 | 20:56 | 21:56 | 22:56 |
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry | 06:41 | 07:11 | 07:50 | 08:25 | 08:58 | 09:33 | 10:03 | 10:32 | 11:02 | 11:32 | 12:02 | 12:32 | 13:02 | 13:32 | 14:02 | 14:37 | 15:06 | 15:54 | 16:24 | 17:04 | 17:34 | 18:15 | 18:35 | 19:03 | 19:57 | 20:57 | 21:57 | 22:57 |
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry | 06:42 | 07:12 | 07:52 | 08:27 | 09:00 | 09:34 | 10:04 | 10:33 | 11:03 | 11:33 | 12:03 | 12:33 | 13:03 | 13:33 | 14:03 | 14:38 | 15:07 | 15:56 | 16:26 | 17:06 | 17:36 | 18:17 | 18:37 | 19:05 | 19:58 | 20:58 | 21:58 | 22:58 |
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, BarryDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:44 | 07:14 | 07:55 | 08:30 | 09:03 | 09:37 | 10:07 | 10:36 | 11:06 | 11:36 | 12:06 | 12:36 | 13:06 | 13:36 | 14:06 | 14:41 | 15:10 | 16:00 | 16:30 | 17:10 | 17:40 | 18:20 | 18:40 | 19:08 | 20:00 | 21:00 | 22:00 | 23:00 |
Shops, Holton Road, Holton Road, Barry | 06:45 | 07:15 | 07:56 | 08:31 | 09:04 | 09:38 | 10:08 | 10:37 | 11:07 | 11:37 | 12:07 | 12:37 | 13:07 | 13:37 | 14:07 | 14:42 | 15:11 | 16:01 | 16:31 | 17:11 | 17:41 | 18:21 | 18:41 | 19:09 | 20:01 | 21:01 | 22:01 | 23:01 |
at, Barry Civic Offices 1, Broad Street, Barry | 06:46 | 07:16 | 07:57 | 08:32 | 09:05 | 09:39 | 10:09 | 10:38 | 11:08 | 11:38 | 12:08 | 12:38 | 13:08 | 13:38 | 14:08 | 14:43 | 15:12 | 16:02 | 16:32 | 17:12 | 17:42 | 18:22 | 18:42 | 19:10 | 20:02 | 21:02 | 22:02 | 23:02 |
o/s, Morrisons Barry Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry DockDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 06:48 | 07:19 | 07:59 | 08:34 | 09:07 | 09:41 | 10:11 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:10 | 14:45 | 15:14 | 16:04 | 16:34 | 17:14 | 17:44 | 18:24 | 18:44 | 19:12 | 20:04 | 21:04 | 22:04 | 23:04 |
at, Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry Dock | 06:49 | 07:20 | 08:00 | 08:35 | 09:08 | 09:42 | 10:12 | 10:42 | 11:12 | 11:42 | 12:12 | 12:42 | 13:12 | 13:42 | 14:12 | 14:47 | - | 16:06 | 16:36 | 17:16 | 17:46 | 18:25 | 18:45 | 19:13 | - | - | - | - |
nr Crossing , Barry ASDA, Ffordd Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock | 06:50 | 07:21 | 08:01 | 08:36 | 09:09 | 09:43 | 10:13 | 10:43 | 11:13 | 11:43 | 12:13 | 12:43 | 13:13 | 13:43 | 14:13 | 14:48 | - | 16:07 | 16:37 | 17:17 | 17:47 | 18:26 | 18:46 | 19:14 | - | - | - | - |
o/s , The Quays, Fford Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock | 06:50 | 07:21 | 08:01 | 08:36 | 09:09 | 09:43 | 10:13 | 10:44 | 11:14 | 11:44 | 12:14 | 12:44 | 13:14 | 13:44 | 14:14 | 14:49 | - | 16:08 | 16:38 | 17:18 | 17:48 | 18:26 | 18:46 | 19:14 | - | - | - | - |
opp, Maslin Park, Plymouth Road, Barry Island | 06:52 | 07:23 | 08:03 | 08:38 | 09:11 | 09:45 | 10:15 | 10:46 | 11:16 | 11:46 | 12:16 | 12:46 | 13:16 | 13:46 | 14:16 | 14:51 | - | 16:10 | 16:40 | 17:20 | 17:50 | 18:28 | 18:48 | 19:16 | - | - | - | - |
o/s flats, Plymouth Road, Plymouth Road, Barry Island | 06:52 | 07:23 | 08:03 | 08:38 | 09:11 | 09:45 | 10:15 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:17 | 14:52 | - | 16:11 | 16:41 | 17:21 | 17:51 | 18:28 | 18:48 | 19:16 | - | - | - | - |
o/s, Barry Island Community Centre, Friars Road, Barry Island | 06:54 | 07:25 | 08:05 | 08:40 | 09:13 | 09:47 | 10:17 | 10:49 | 11:19 | 11:49 | 12:19 | 12:49 | 13:19 | 13:49 | 14:19 | 14:54 | - | 16:13 | 16:43 | 17:23 | 17:53 | 18:30 | 18:50 | 19:18 | - | - | - | - |
CBUS - Cardiff Bus
Cardiff - Barry Island trwy Gibbonsdown - Dinas Powys - Llandough Dydd Sadwrn
Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus Station
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, Gibbonsdown
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
Shops, Holton Road, Holton Road, Barry
at, Barry Civic Offices 1, Broad Street, Barry
o/s, Morrisons Barry Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
at, Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
nr Crossing , Barry ASDA, Ffordd Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
o/s , The Quays, Fford Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock
opp, Maslin Park, Plymouth Road, Barry Island
o/s flats, Plymouth Road, Plymouth Road, Barry Island
o/s, Barry Island Community Centre, Friars Road, Barry Island
Service Number: Gweithredwr Nodiadau: | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - |
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus StationDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:10 | 08:40 | 09:10 | 09:40 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:10 | 14:40 | 15:10 | 15:40 | 16:10 | 16:40 | 17:10 | 17:40 | 18:10 | 19:10 | 20:10 | 21:10 | 22:10 |
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside | 08:12 | 08:42 | 09:12 | 09:42 | 10:12 | 10:42 | 11:12 | 11:42 | 12:12 | 12:42 | 13:12 | 13:42 | 14:12 | 14:42 | 15:12 | 15:42 | 16:12 | 16:42 | 17:12 | 17:42 | 18:12 | 19:12 | 20:12 | 21:12 | 22:12 |
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:13 | 08:43 | 09:14 | 09:44 | 10:14 | 10:44 | 11:14 | 11:44 | 12:14 | 12:44 | 13:14 | 13:44 | 14:14 | 14:44 | 15:14 | 15:44 | 16:14 | 16:44 | 17:14 | 17:44 | 18:14 | 19:14 | 20:14 | 21:14 | 22:14 |
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:14 | 08:44 | 09:15 | 09:45 | 10:15 | 10:45 | 11:15 | 11:45 | 12:15 | 12:45 | 13:15 | 13:45 | 14:15 | 14:45 | 15:15 | 15:45 | 16:15 | 16:45 | 17:15 | 17:45 | 18:15 | 19:15 | 20:15 | 21:15 | 22:15 |
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:15 | 08:45 | 09:16 | 09:46 | 10:16 | 10:46 | 11:16 | 11:46 | 12:16 | 12:46 | 13:16 | 13:46 | 14:16 | 14:46 | 15:16 | 15:46 | 16:16 | 16:46 | 17:16 | 17:46 | 18:16 | 19:16 | 20:16 | 21:16 | 22:16 |
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:16 | 08:46 | 09:17 | 09:47 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:17 | 14:47 | 15:17 | 15:47 | 16:17 | 16:47 | 17:17 | 17:47 | 18:17 | 19:17 | 20:17 | 21:17 | 22:17 |
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:17 | 08:47 | 09:18 | 09:48 | 10:18 | 10:48 | 11:18 | 11:48 | 12:18 | 12:48 | 13:18 | 13:48 | 14:18 | 14:48 | 15:18 | 15:48 | 16:18 | 16:48 | 17:18 | 17:48 | 18:18 | 19:18 | 20:18 | 21:18 | 22:18 |
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, LeckwithDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:19 | 08:49 | 09:21 | 09:51 | 10:21 | 10:51 | 11:21 | 11:51 | 12:21 | 12:51 | 13:21 | 13:51 | 14:21 | 14:51 | 15:21 | 15:51 | 16:21 | 16:51 | 17:21 | 17:51 | 18:21 | 19:21 | 20:21 | 21:21 | 22:21 |
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:23 | 08:51 | 09:24 | 09:54 | 10:24 | 10:54 | 11:24 | 11:54 | 12:24 | 12:54 | 13:24 | 13:54 | 14:24 | 14:54 | 15:24 | 15:54 | 16:24 | 16:54 | 17:24 | 17:54 | 18:24 | 19:24 | 20:24 | 21:24 | 22:24 |
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:25 | 08:53 | 09:25 | 09:55 | 10:25 | 10:55 | 11:25 | 11:55 | 12:25 | 12:55 | 13:25 | 13:55 | 14:25 | 14:55 | 15:25 | 15:55 | 16:25 | 16:55 | 17:25 | 17:55 | 18:25 | 19:25 | 20:25 | 21:25 | 22:25 |
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 08:28 | 08:55 | 09:27 | 09:57 | 10:27 | 10:57 | 11:27 | 11:57 | 12:27 | 12:57 | 13:27 | 13:57 | 14:27 | 14:57 | 15:27 | 15:57 | 16:27 | 16:57 | 17:27 | 17:57 | 18:27 | 19:27 | 20:27 | 21:27 | 22:27 |
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 08:29 | 08:56 | 09:28 | 09:58 | 10:28 | 10:58 | 11:28 | 11:58 | 12:28 | 12:58 | 13:28 | 13:58 | 14:28 | 14:58 | 15:28 | 15:58 | 16:28 | 16:58 | 17:28 | 17:58 | 18:28 | 19:28 | 20:28 | 21:28 | 22:28 |
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough | 08:31 | 08:57 | 09:29 | 09:59 | 10:29 | 10:59 | 11:29 | 11:59 | 12:29 | 12:59 | 13:29 | 13:59 | 14:29 | 14:59 | 15:29 | 15:59 | 16:29 | 16:59 | 17:29 | 17:59 | 18:29 | 19:29 | 20:29 | 21:29 | 22:29 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough | 08:33 | 08:58 | 09:31 | 10:01 | 10:31 | 11:01 | 11:31 | 12:01 | 12:31 | 13:01 | 13:31 | 14:01 | 14:31 | 15:01 | 15:31 | 16:01 | 16:31 | 17:01 | 17:31 | 18:01 | 18:31 | 19:31 | 20:31 | 21:31 | 22:31 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, LlandoughDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:34 | 08:59 | 09:32 | 10:02 | 10:32 | 11:02 | 11:32 | 12:02 | 12:32 | 13:02 | 13:32 | 14:02 | 14:32 | 15:02 | 15:32 | 16:02 | 16:32 | 17:02 | 17:32 | 18:02 | 18:32 | 19:32 | 20:32 | 21:32 | 22:32 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough | 08:34 | 08:59 | 09:32 | 10:02 | 10:32 | 11:02 | 11:32 | 12:02 | 12:32 | 13:02 | 13:32 | 14:02 | 14:32 | 15:02 | 15:32 | 16:02 | 16:32 | 17:02 | 17:32 | 18:02 | 18:32 | 19:32 | 20:32 | 21:32 | 22:32 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough | 08:37 | 09:02 | 09:35 | 10:05 | 10:35 | 11:05 | 11:35 | 12:05 | 12:35 | 13:05 | 13:35 | 14:05 | 14:35 | 15:05 | 15:35 | 16:05 | 16:35 | 17:05 | 17:35 | 18:05 | 18:35 | 19:35 | 20:35 | 21:35 | 22:35 |
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough | 08:38 | 09:03 | 09:36 | 10:06 | 10:36 | 11:06 | 11:36 | 12:06 | 12:36 | 13:06 | 13:36 | 14:06 | 14:36 | 15:06 | 15:36 | 16:06 | 16:36 | 17:06 | 17:36 | 18:06 | 18:36 | 19:36 | 20:36 | 21:36 | 22:36 |
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 08:39 | 09:04 | 09:37 | 10:07 | 10:37 | 11:07 | 11:37 | 12:07 | 12:37 | 13:07 | 13:37 | 14:07 | 14:37 | 15:07 | 15:37 | 16:07 | 16:37 | 17:07 | 17:37 | 18:07 | 18:37 | 19:37 | 20:37 | 21:37 | 22:37 |
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 08:40 | 09:05 | 09:38 | 10:08 | 10:38 | 11:08 | 11:38 | 12:08 | 12:38 | 13:08 | 13:38 | 14:08 | 14:38 | 15:08 | 15:38 | 16:08 | 16:38 | 17:08 | 17:38 | 18:08 | 18:38 | 19:38 | 20:38 | 21:38 | 22:38 |
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 08:41 | 09:06 | 09:39 | 10:09 | 10:39 | 11:09 | 11:39 | 12:09 | 12:39 | 13:09 | 13:39 | 14:09 | 14:39 | 15:09 | 15:39 | 16:09 | 16:39 | 17:09 | 17:39 | 18:09 | 18:39 | 19:39 | 20:39 | 21:39 | 22:39 |
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas PowysDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:42 | 09:07 | 09:40 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:10 | 14:40 | 15:10 | 15:40 | 16:10 | 16:40 | 17:10 | 17:40 | 18:10 | 18:40 | 19:40 | 20:40 | 21:40 | 22:40 |
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 08:42 | 09:07 | 09:40 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:10 | 14:40 | 15:10 | 15:40 | 16:10 | 16:40 | 17:10 | 17:40 | 18:10 | 18:40 | 19:40 | 20:40 | 21:40 | 22:40 |
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 08:43 | 09:08 | 09:41 | 10:11 | 10:41 | 11:11 | 11:41 | 12:11 | 12:41 | 13:11 | 13:41 | 14:11 | 14:41 | 15:11 | 15:41 | 16:11 | 16:41 | 17:11 | 17:41 | 18:11 | 18:41 | 19:41 | 20:41 | 21:41 | 22:41 |
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 08:44 | 09:09 | 09:42 | 10:12 | 10:42 | 11:12 | 11:42 | 12:12 | 12:42 | 13:12 | 13:42 | 14:12 | 14:42 | 15:12 | 15:42 | 16:12 | 16:42 | 17:12 | 17:42 | 18:12 | 18:42 | 19:42 | 20:42 | 21:42 | 22:42 |
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, PalmerstownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:48 | 09:13 | 09:46 | 10:16 | 10:46 | 11:16 | 11:46 | 12:16 | 12:46 | 13:16 | 13:46 | 14:16 | 14:46 | 15:16 | 15:46 | 16:16 | 16:46 | 17:16 | 17:46 | 18:16 | 18:46 | 19:45 | 20:45 | 21:45 | 22:45 |
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown | 08:49 | 09:14 | 09:47 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:17 | 14:47 | 15:17 | 15:47 | 16:17 | 16:47 | 17:17 | 17:47 | 18:17 | 18:47 | 19:45 | 20:45 | 21:45 | 22:45 |
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 08:49 | 09:14 | 09:47 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:17 | 14:47 | 15:17 | 15:47 | 16:17 | 16:47 | 17:17 | 17:47 | 18:17 | 18:47 | 19:46 | 20:46 | 21:46 | 22:46 |
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 08:50 | 09:15 | 09:48 | 10:18 | 10:48 | 11:18 | 11:48 | 12:18 | 12:48 | 13:18 | 13:48 | 14:18 | 14:48 | 15:18 | 15:48 | 16:18 | 16:48 | 17:18 | 17:48 | 18:18 | 18:48 | 19:46 | 20:46 | 21:46 | 22:46 |
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 08:51 | 09:16 | 09:49 | 10:19 | 10:49 | 11:19 | 11:49 | 12:19 | 12:49 | 13:19 | 13:49 | 14:19 | 14:49 | 15:19 | 15:49 | 16:19 | 16:49 | 17:19 | 17:49 | 18:19 | 18:49 | 19:47 | 20:47 | 21:47 | 22:47 |
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 08:52 | 09:16 | 09:49 | 10:19 | 10:49 | 11:19 | 11:49 | 12:19 | 12:49 | 13:19 | 13:49 | 14:19 | 14:49 | 15:19 | 15:49 | 16:19 | 16:49 | 17:19 | 17:49 | 18:19 | 18:49 | 19:48 | 20:48 | 21:48 | 22:48 |
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 08:52 | 09:17 | 09:50 | 10:20 | 10:50 | 11:20 | 11:50 | 12:20 | 12:50 | 13:20 | 13:50 | 14:20 | 14:50 | 15:20 | 15:50 | 16:20 | 16:50 | 17:20 | 17:50 | 18:20 | 18:50 | 19:48 | 20:48 | 21:48 | 22:48 |
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown | 08:53 | 09:18 | 09:50 | 10:20 | 10:50 | 11:20 | 11:50 | 12:20 | 12:50 | 13:20 | 13:50 | 14:20 | 14:50 | 15:20 | 15:50 | 16:20 | 16:50 | 17:20 | 17:50 | 18:20 | 18:50 | 19:49 | 20:49 | 21:49 | 22:49 |
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton | 08:54 | 09:18 | 09:51 | 10:21 | 10:51 | 11:21 | 11:51 | 12:21 | 12:51 | 13:21 | 13:51 | 14:21 | 14:51 | 15:21 | 15:51 | 16:21 | 16:51 | 17:21 | 17:51 | 18:21 | 18:51 | 19:49 | 20:49 | 21:49 | 22:49 |
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton | 08:55 | 09:19 | 09:52 | 10:22 | 10:52 | 11:22 | 11:52 | 12:22 | 12:52 | 13:22 | 13:52 | 14:22 | 14:52 | 15:22 | 15:52 | 16:22 | 16:52 | 17:22 | 17:52 | 18:22 | 18:52 | 19:50 | 20:50 | 21:50 | 22:50 |
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton | 08:56 | 09:20 | 09:53 | 10:23 | 10:53 | 11:23 | 11:53 | 12:23 | 12:53 | 13:23 | 13:53 | 14:23 | 14:53 | 15:23 | 15:53 | 16:23 | 16:53 | 17:23 | 17:53 | 18:23 | 18:53 | 19:51 | 20:51 | 21:51 | 22:51 |
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton | 08:57 | 09:21 | 09:53 | 10:23 | 10:53 | 11:23 | 11:53 | 12:23 | 12:53 | 13:23 | 13:53 | 14:23 | 14:53 | 15:23 | 15:53 | 16:23 | 16:53 | 17:23 | 17:53 | 18:23 | 18:53 | 19:52 | 20:52 | 21:52 | 22:52 |
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown | 08:57 | 09:22 | 09:54 | 10:24 | 10:54 | 11:24 | 11:54 | 12:24 | 12:54 | 13:24 | 13:54 | 14:24 | 14:54 | 15:24 | 15:54 | 16:24 | 16:54 | 17:24 | 17:54 | 18:24 | 18:54 | 19:52 | 20:52 | 21:52 | 22:52 |
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 08:58 | 09:22 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 19:53 | 20:53 | 21:53 | 22:53 |
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 08:59 | 09:23 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 19:54 | 20:54 | 21:54 | 22:54 |
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 09:00 | 09:24 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 19:54 | 20:54 | 21:54 | 22:54 |
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, GibbonsdownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:01 | 09:25 | 09:57 | 10:27 | 10:57 | 11:27 | 11:57 | 12:27 | 12:57 | 13:27 | 13:57 | 14:27 | 14:57 | 15:27 | 15:57 | 16:27 | 16:57 | 17:27 | 17:57 | 18:27 | 18:57 | 19:55 | 20:55 | 21:55 | 22:55 |
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:02 | 09:27 | 09:58 | 10:28 | 10:58 | 11:28 | 11:58 | 12:28 | 12:58 | 13:28 | 13:58 | 14:28 | 14:58 | 15:28 | 15:58 | 16:28 | 16:58 | 17:28 | 17:58 | 18:28 | 18:58 | 19:55 | 20:55 | 21:55 | 22:55 |
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry | 09:04 | 09:29 | 10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 12:30 | 13:00 | 13:30 | 14:00 | 14:30 | 15:00 | 15:30 | 16:00 | 16:30 | 17:00 | 17:30 | 18:00 | 18:30 | 19:00 | 19:56 | 20:56 | 21:56 | 22:56 |
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry | 09:06 | 09:31 | 10:02 | 10:32 | 11:02 | 11:32 | 12:02 | 12:32 | 13:02 | 13:32 | 14:02 | 14:32 | 15:02 | 15:32 | 16:02 | 16:32 | 17:02 | 17:32 | 18:02 | 18:32 | 19:02 | 19:57 | 20:57 | 21:57 | 22:57 |
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry | 09:08 | 09:33 | 10:03 | 10:33 | 11:03 | 11:33 | 12:03 | 12:33 | 13:03 | 13:33 | 14:03 | 14:33 | 15:03 | 15:33 | 16:03 | 16:33 | 17:03 | 17:33 | 18:03 | 18:33 | 19:03 | 19:58 | 20:58 | 21:58 | 22:58 |
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, BarryDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:11 | 09:36 | 10:06 | 10:36 | 11:06 | 11:36 | 12:06 | 12:36 | 13:06 | 13:36 | 14:06 | 14:36 | 15:06 | 15:36 | 16:06 | 16:36 | 17:06 | 17:36 | 18:06 | 18:36 | 19:06 | 20:00 | 21:00 | 22:00 | 23:00 |
Shops, Holton Road, Holton Road, Barry | 09:12 | 09:37 | 10:07 | 10:37 | 11:07 | 11:37 | 12:07 | 12:37 | 13:07 | 13:37 | 14:07 | 14:37 | 15:07 | 15:37 | 16:07 | 16:37 | 17:07 | 17:37 | 18:07 | 18:37 | 19:07 | 20:01 | 21:01 | 22:01 | 23:01 |
at, Barry Civic Offices 1, Broad Street, Barry | 09:13 | 09:38 | 10:08 | 10:38 | 11:08 | 11:38 | 12:08 | 12:38 | 13:08 | 13:38 | 14:08 | 14:38 | 15:08 | 15:38 | 16:08 | 16:38 | 17:08 | 17:38 | 18:08 | 18:38 | 19:08 | 20:02 | 21:02 | 22:02 | 23:02 |
o/s, Morrisons Barry Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry DockDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:16 | 09:41 | 10:10 | 10:40 | 11:10 | 11:40 | 12:10 | 12:40 | 13:10 | 13:40 | 14:10 | 14:40 | 15:10 | 15:40 | 16:10 | 16:40 | 17:10 | 17:40 | 18:10 | 18:40 | 19:10 | 20:04 | 21:04 | 22:04 | 23:04 |
at, Waterfront, Ffordd y Mileniwm, Barry Dock | 09:17 | 09:42 | 10:12 | 10:42 | 11:12 | 11:42 | 12:12 | 12:42 | 13:12 | 13:42 | 14:12 | 14:42 | 15:12 | 15:42 | 16:12 | 16:42 | 17:12 | 17:42 | 18:12 | 18:42 | 19:12 | - | - | - | - |
nr Crossing , Barry ASDA, Ffordd Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock | 09:18 | 09:43 | 10:13 | 10:43 | 11:13 | 11:43 | 12:13 | 12:43 | 13:13 | 13:43 | 14:13 | 14:43 | 15:13 | 15:43 | 16:13 | 16:43 | 17:13 | 17:43 | 18:13 | 18:43 | 19:13 | - | - | - | - |
o/s , The Quays, Fford Y Mileniwm, Barry Dock | 09:19 | 09:44 | 10:14 | 10:44 | 11:14 | 11:44 | 12:14 | 12:44 | 13:14 | 13:44 | 14:14 | 14:44 | 15:14 | 15:44 | 16:14 | 16:44 | 17:14 | 17:44 | 18:14 | 18:44 | 19:14 | - | - | - | - |
opp, Maslin Park, Plymouth Road, Barry Island | 09:20 | 09:45 | 10:16 | 10:46 | 11:16 | 11:46 | 12:16 | 12:46 | 13:16 | 13:46 | 14:16 | 14:46 | 15:16 | 15:46 | 16:16 | 16:46 | 17:16 | 17:46 | 18:16 | 18:46 | 19:16 | - | - | - | - |
o/s flats, Plymouth Road, Plymouth Road, Barry Island | 09:21 | 09:46 | 10:17 | 10:47 | 11:17 | 11:47 | 12:17 | 12:47 | 13:17 | 13:47 | 14:17 | 14:47 | 15:17 | 15:47 | 16:17 | 16:47 | 17:17 | 17:47 | 18:17 | 18:47 | 19:17 | - | - | - | - |
o/s, Barry Island Community Centre, Friars Road, Barry Island | 09:23 | 09:48 | 10:19 | 10:49 | 11:19 | 11:49 | 12:19 | 12:49 | 13:19 | 13:49 | 14:19 | 14:49 | 15:19 | 15:49 | 16:19 | 16:49 | 17:19 | 17:49 | 18:19 | 18:49 | 19:19 | - | - | - | - |
CBUS - Cardiff Bus
Cardiff - Barry Island trwy Gibbonsdown - Dinas Powys - Llandough Dydd Sul
Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus Station
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, Gibbonsdown
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
Service Number: Gweithredwr Nodiadau: | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - |
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus StationDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:45 | 10:05 | 11:05 | 12:15 | 13:15 | 14:15 | 15:15 | 16:15 | 17:15 |
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside | 08:47 | 10:07 | 11:07 | 12:17 | 13:17 | 14:17 | 15:17 | 16:17 | 17:17 |
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:48 | 10:08 | 11:08 | 12:18 | 13:18 | 14:18 | 15:18 | 16:18 | 17:18 |
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:49 | 10:09 | 11:09 | 12:19 | 13:19 | 14:19 | 15:19 | 16:19 | 17:19 |
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:50 | 10:10 | 11:10 | 12:20 | 13:20 | 14:20 | 15:20 | 16:20 | 17:20 |
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:51 | 10:11 | 11:11 | 12:21 | 13:21 | 14:21 | 15:21 | 16:21 | 17:21 |
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:52 | 10:12 | 11:12 | 12:22 | 13:22 | 14:22 | 15:22 | 16:22 | 17:22 |
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, LeckwithDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:54 | 10:14 | 11:14 | 12:24 | 13:24 | 14:24 | 15:24 | 16:24 | 17:24 |
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:56 | 10:16 | 11:16 | 12:26 | 13:26 | 14:26 | 15:26 | 16:26 | 17:26 |
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:58 | 10:18 | 11:18 | 12:28 | 13:28 | 14:28 | 15:28 | 16:28 | 17:28 |
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 09:00 | 10:20 | 11:20 | 12:30 | 13:30 | 14:30 | 15:30 | 16:30 | 17:30 |
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 09:01 | 10:21 | 11:21 | 12:31 | 13:31 | 14:31 | 15:31 | 16:31 | 17:31 |
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough | 09:02 | 10:22 | 11:22 | 12:32 | 13:32 | 14:32 | 15:32 | 16:32 | 17:32 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough | 09:03 | 10:23 | 11:23 | 12:33 | 13:33 | 14:33 | 15:33 | 16:33 | 17:33 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, LlandoughDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:04 | 10:24 | 11:24 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough | 09:04 | 10:24 | 11:24 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough | 09:06 | 10:26 | 11:26 | 12:36 | 13:36 | 14:36 | 15:36 | 16:36 | 17:36 |
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough | 09:07 | 10:27 | 11:27 | 12:37 | 13:37 | 14:37 | 15:37 | 16:37 | 17:37 |
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 09:09 | 10:29 | 11:29 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 15:39 | 16:39 | 17:39 |
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 09:09 | 10:29 | 11:29 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 15:39 | 16:39 | 17:39 |
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:10 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 12:40 | 13:40 | 14:40 | 15:40 | 16:40 | 17:40 |
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas PowysDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:11 | 10:31 | 11:31 | 12:41 | 13:41 | 14:41 | 15:41 | 16:41 | 17:41 |
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:11 | 10:31 | 11:31 | 12:41 | 13:41 | 14:41 | 15:41 | 16:41 | 17:41 |
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:12 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 15:42 | 16:42 | 17:42 |
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:12 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 15:42 | 16:42 | 17:42 |
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, PalmerstownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:15 | 10:35 | 11:35 | 12:45 | 13:45 | 14:45 | 15:45 | 16:45 | 17:45 |
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown | 09:16 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 15:46 | 16:46 | 17:46 |
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 09:16 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 15:46 | 16:46 | 17:46 |
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 09:17 | 10:37 | 11:37 | 12:47 | 13:47 | 14:47 | 15:47 | 16:47 | 17:47 |
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 09:18 | 10:38 | 11:38 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 16:48 | 17:48 |
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 09:18 | 10:38 | 11:38 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 16:48 | 17:48 |
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 09:19 | 10:39 | 11:39 | 12:49 | 13:49 | 14:49 | 15:49 | 16:49 | 17:49 |
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown | 09:20 | 10:40 | 11:40 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 15:50 | 16:50 | 17:50 |
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton | 09:20 | 10:40 | 11:40 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 15:50 | 16:50 | 17:50 |
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton | 09:21 | 10:41 | 11:41 | 12:51 | 13:51 | 14:51 | 15:51 | 16:51 | 17:51 |
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton | 09:22 | 10:42 | 11:42 | 12:52 | 13:52 | 14:52 | 15:52 | 16:52 | 17:52 |
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton | 09:23 | 10:43 | 11:43 | 12:53 | 13:53 | 14:53 | 15:53 | 16:53 | 17:53 |
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:24 | 10:44 | 11:44 | 12:54 | 13:54 | 14:54 | 15:54 | 16:54 | 17:54 |
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, GibbonsdownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:25 | 10:45 | 11:45 | 12:55 | 13:55 | 14:55 | 15:55 | 16:55 | 17:55 |
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 09:25 | 10:45 | 11:45 | 12:55 | 13:55 | 14:55 | 15:55 | 16:55 | 17:55 |
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 09:26 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 12:56 | 13:56 | 14:56 | 15:56 | 16:56 | 17:56 |
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:26 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 12:56 | 13:56 | 14:56 | 15:56 | 16:56 | 17:56 |
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:27 | 10:47 | 11:47 | 12:57 | 13:57 | 14:57 | 15:57 | 16:57 | 17:57 |
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry | 09:28 | 10:48 | 11:48 | 12:58 | 13:58 | 14:58 | 15:58 | 16:58 | 17:58 |
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry | 09:29 | 10:49 | 11:49 | 12:59 | 13:59 | 14:59 | 15:59 | 16:59 | 17:59 |
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry | 09:30 | 10:50 | 11:50 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 17:00 | 18:00 |
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry | 09:32 | 10:52 | 11:52 | 13:02 | 14:02 | 15:02 | 16:02 | 17:02 | 18:02 |
CBUS - Cardiff Bus
Cardiff - Barry Island trwy Gibbonsdown - Dinas Powys - Llandough Gwyliau Banc
Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus Station
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, Gibbonsdown
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry
Service Number: Gweithredwr Nodiadau: | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - | 95 CBUS - |
Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 8, Great Western Lane, Cardiff Bus StationDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:45 | 10:05 | 11:05 | 12:15 | 13:15 | 14:15 | 15:15 | 16:15 | 17:15 |
o/s 79, Tudor Street Lane, Beauchamp Street, Riverside | 08:47 | 10:07 | 11:07 | 12:17 | 13:17 | 14:17 | 15:17 | 16:17 | 17:17 |
before, Craddock Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:48 | 10:08 | 11:08 | 12:18 | 13:18 | 14:18 | 15:18 | 16:18 | 17:18 |
opp, Smeaton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:49 | 10:09 | 11:09 | 12:19 | 13:19 | 14:19 | 15:19 | 16:19 | 17:19 |
opp, Littleton Street, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:50 | 10:10 | 11:10 | 12:20 | 13:20 | 14:20 | 15:20 | 16:20 | 17:20 |
before former, Ninian Park PH, Ninian Park Road, Riverside | 08:51 | 10:11 | 11:11 | 12:21 | 13:21 | 14:21 | 15:21 | 16:21 | 17:21 |
o/s, Jubilee Park, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:52 | 10:12 | 11:12 | 12:22 | 13:22 | 14:22 | 15:22 | 16:22 | 17:22 |
before, Hadfield Road, Leckwith Road, LeckwithDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 08:54 | 10:14 | 11:14 | 12:24 | 13:24 | 14:24 | 15:24 | 16:24 | 17:24 |
nr, Woodlands, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:56 | 10:16 | 11:16 | 12:26 | 13:26 | 14:26 | 15:26 | 16:26 | 17:26 |
after, The Green, Leckwith Road, Leckwith | 08:58 | 10:18 | 11:18 | 12:28 | 13:28 | 14:28 | 15:28 | 16:28 | 17:28 |
after, Rectory Lodge, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 09:00 | 10:20 | 11:20 | 12:30 | 13:30 | 14:30 | 15:30 | 16:30 | 17:30 |
before, Greenway Close, Leckwith Road, Llandough | 09:01 | 10:21 | 11:21 | 12:31 | 13:31 | 14:31 | 15:31 | 16:31 | 17:31 |
o/s, Llandough Institute, Penlan Road, Llandough | 09:02 | 10:22 | 11:22 | 12:32 | 13:32 | 14:32 | 15:32 | 16:32 | 17:32 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 3, Grounds, Llandough | 09:03 | 10:23 | 11:23 | 12:33 | 13:33 | 14:33 | 15:33 | 16:33 | 17:33 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 4, Grounds, LlandoughDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:04 | 10:24 | 11:24 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 5, Grounds, Llandough | 09:04 | 10:24 | 11:24 | 12:34 | 13:34 | 14:34 | 15:34 | 16:34 | 17:34 |
at, Llandough Hospital Stand 1, Penlan Road, Llandough | 09:06 | 10:26 | 11:26 | 12:36 | 13:36 | 14:36 | 15:36 | 16:36 | 17:36 |
after, Merrie Harrier, Eastbrook Road, Llandough | 09:07 | 10:27 | 11:27 | 12:37 | 13:37 | 14:37 | 15:37 | 16:37 | 17:37 |
in, Eastbrook, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 09:09 | 10:29 | 11:29 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 15:39 | 16:39 | 17:39 |
before, Brookside, Cardiff Road, Eastbrook | 09:09 | 10:29 | 11:29 | 12:39 | 13:39 | 14:39 | 15:39 | 16:39 | 17:39 |
before, Ribbons Preschool, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:10 | 10:30 | 11:30 | 12:40 | 13:40 | 14:40 | 15:40 | 16:40 | 17:40 |
opp, Elm Grove Road, Cardiff Road, Dinas PowysDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:11 | 10:31 | 11:31 | 12:41 | 13:41 | 14:41 | 15:41 | 16:41 | 17:41 |
o/s, Dinas Powys Railway Station, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:11 | 10:31 | 11:31 | 12:41 | 13:41 | 14:41 | 15:41 | 16:41 | 17:41 |
nr, Bryn-y-Don, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:12 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 15:42 | 16:42 | 17:42 |
o/s, Arnold House, Cardiff Road, Dinas Powys | 09:12 | 10:32 | 11:32 | 12:42 | 13:42 | 14:42 | 15:42 | 16:42 | 17:42 |
nr, Ty Verlon, Cardiff Road, PalmerstownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:15 | 10:35 | 11:35 | 12:45 | 13:45 | 14:45 | 15:45 | 16:45 | 17:45 |
after, Laura Street, Cardiff Road, Palmerstown | 09:16 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 15:46 | 16:46 | 17:46 |
opp, Palmerston School, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 09:16 | 10:36 | 11:36 | 12:46 | 13:46 | 14:46 | 15:46 | 16:46 | 17:46 |
opp, Barry Waitrose, Palmerston Road, Palmerstown | 09:17 | 10:37 | 11:37 | 12:47 | 13:47 | 14:47 | 15:47 | 16:47 | 17:47 |
before, Norwood, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 09:18 | 10:38 | 11:38 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 16:48 | 17:48 |
before, St Julian Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 09:18 | 10:38 | 11:38 | 12:48 | 13:48 | 14:48 | 15:48 | 16:48 | 17:48 |
after, Wolfe Close, Langlands Road, Palmerstown | 09:19 | 10:39 | 11:39 | 12:49 | 13:49 | 14:49 | 15:49 | 16:49 | 17:49 |
after, Ewbank Close, Langlands Road`, Palmerstown | 09:20 | 10:40 | 11:40 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 15:50 | 16:50 | 17:50 |
before, Myrtle Grove, Coldbrook Road East, Cadoxton | 09:20 | 10:40 | 11:40 | 12:50 | 13:50 | 14:50 | 15:50 | 16:50 | 17:50 |
nr former, Three Bells, Cowbridge Street, Cadoxton | 09:21 | 10:41 | 11:41 | 12:51 | 13:51 | 14:51 | 15:51 | 16:51 | 17:51 |
after, King William IV, Bridge Street, Cadoxton | 09:22 | 10:42 | 11:42 | 12:52 | 13:52 | 14:52 | 15:52 | 16:52 | 17:52 |
o/s, Pencoedtre Fields, Pencoedtre Road, Cadoxton | 09:23 | 10:43 | 11:43 | 12:53 | 13:53 | 14:53 | 15:53 | 16:53 | 17:53 |
o/s 61, Pencoedtre Road, Pencoedtre Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:24 | 10:44 | 11:44 | 12:54 | 13:54 | 14:54 | 15:54 | 16:54 | 17:54 |
after, Michaelston Close, St Bride`s Way, GibbonsdownDangos rhagor o arosfannauv | 09:25 | 10:45 | 11:45 | 12:55 | 13:55 | 14:55 | 15:55 | 16:55 | 17:55 |
opp junct, Laleston Close, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 09:25 | 10:45 | 11:45 | 12:55 | 13:55 | 14:55 | 15:55 | 16:55 | 17:55 |
before, Gibbonsdown Community Centre, St Bride`s Way, Gibbonsdown | 09:26 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 12:56 | 13:56 | 14:56 | 15:56 | 16:56 | 17:56 |
before, Treharne Rd Upper, Treharne Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:26 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 12:56 | 13:56 | 14:56 | 15:56 | 16:56 | 17:56 |
o/s 48, Dyfan Road, Dyfan Road, Gibbonsdown | 09:27 | 10:47 | 11:47 | 12:57 | 13:57 | 14:57 | 15:57 | 16:57 | 17:57 |
before, Barry Road, Dyfan Road, Barry | 09:28 | 10:48 | 11:48 | 12:58 | 13:58 | 14:58 | 15:58 | 16:58 | 17:58 |
nr, Crogan Hill, Barry Road, Barry | 09:29 | 10:49 | 11:49 | 12:59 | 13:59 | 14:59 | 15:59 | 16:59 | 17:59 |
after, Tynewydd Inn, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry | 09:30 | 10:50 | 11:50 | 13:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 17:00 | 18:00 |
at, Barry Town Centre 3, Ty-Newydd Road, Barry | 09:32 | 10:52 | 11:52 | 13:02 | 14:02 | 15:02 | 16:02 | 17:02 | 18:02 |
CBUS - Cardiff Bus