
Gwybodaeth ychwanegol

Gweld y problemau teithio i gyd IAWN
  • Newport Bus Station
  • Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Iscoed

Newport Bus Station - Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Iscoed Dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener (heblaw am wyliau banc)

Ffliciwch y sgrîn i weld yr amseroedd
Bay 12, Friars Walk 12, Friars Walk, Newport
Stand Q8, Queensway Q8, Queensway, Newport
Stop N25, North Street, North Street, Newport
o/s Club, Havelock Street, Havelock Street, Newport
opp, St Woolos Cathedral, Stow Hill, Newport
outside, St Woolos Hospital, Stow Hill, Newport
after, Stow Park Avenue, Stow Hill, Stow Park
adj, The Handpost, Risca Road, Stow Park
opp, St John the Baptist Church, Risca Road, Caerau Park
o/s, Coed Melyn Park, Risca Road, Caerau Park
before, Nant Coch Drive, Risca Road, Glasllwch
before, Melbourne Way, Risca Road, Glasllwch
before, Canberra Crescent, Melbourne Way, Glasllwch
after, Quebec Close, Melbourne Way, Glasllwch
before, Vancouver Drive, Western Avenue, Glasllwch
nr, Castle Park Close, Bassaleg Road, Glasllwch
opposite, Stratford House, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer
opp 69, Ben Johnson Way Steps, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer
before, Keats Close, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer
before, Dickens Drive, Shakespeare Drive, Gaer
before, Wells Close, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer
after, Morton Way, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer
o/s, Gear Baptist Church, Shakespeare Crescent, Gaer
after, Masefield Vale, Masefield Vale, Gaer
opposite, Cardiff Road Post Office, Cardiff Road, Maesglas
o/s, Maes-glas Shops, Cardiff Road, Maesglas
before, Park Drive, Cardiff Road, Maesglas
footpath, Pine Grove, Lighthouse Road, Duffryn
opposite footbridge, Chaffinch Way, Lighthouse Road, Duffryn
nr Swallow Way , Duffryn Drive, Duffryn Drive, Duffryn
inside, Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed, School Grounds, Duffryn
Service Number:
Bay 12, Friars Walk 12, Friars Walk, NewportDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:36
before, Canberra Crescent, Melbourne Way, GlasllwchDangos rhagor o arosfannauv07:50
o/s, Gear Baptist Church, Shakespeare Crescent, GaerDangos rhagor o arosfannauv08:00
inside, Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed, School Grounds, Duffryn08:15
SD - Schooldays OnlyNWPT - Newport Bus